Delta Technology and Fuji Robotics Form a New Partnership
Delta Technology, an integrator and automation expert for manufacturing and Fuji Robotics, manufacturer of the fastest palletizing robot worldwide, announced today a partnership to offer robotic palletizing systems to US end users.
Fuji Robotics website is now available in Spanish
We are very happy for the launch of our Spanish-language websites that will allow us to provide a better service to our customers in Latin America.
With the fastest and most efficient robotic palletizers, our goal is to increase the efficiency of our your production lines while reducing your overall cost of production.
Visit Fuji's Booth at PACK EXPO 2021
Fuji Robotics is going to be at Pack Expo 2021 in Las Vegas from September 27 to 29.
We like to seize this chance to show Fuji's capabilites: Palletizing, Depalletizing, Slipsheet handling, you name it. Don't miss the chance to see our demo applications.